Wednesday 31 October 2012

Nuclear Accidents

A nuclear and radiation accident is defined by the International Atomic Energy Agency as "an event that has led to significant consequences to people, the environment or the facility. Examples include lethal effects to individuals, large radioactivity release to the environment, or reactor core melt.” The prime example of a "major nuclear accident" is one in which a reactor core is damaged and significant amounts of radiation are released, such as in the Chernobyl Disaster in 1986.

The impact of nuclear accidents has been a topic of debate practically since the first nuclear reactors were constructed. It has also been a key factor in public concern about nuclear facilities. Some technical measures to reduce the risk of accidents or to minimize the amount of radioactivity released to the environment have been adopted. Despite the use of such measures, "there have been many accidents with varying impacts as well near misses and incidents".

Worldwide there have been 99 accidents at nuclear power plants.  Fifty-seven accidents have occurred since the Chernobyl disaster, and 57% (56 out of 99) of all nuclear-related accidents have occurred in the USA. Serious nuclear power plant accidents include the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster  (2011), Chernobyl disaster (1986), Three Mile Island accident (1979), and the SL-1 accident (1961).

One of the scariest things about nuclear power is when something goes wrong and an accident occurs. Radiation is released into the environment and people get hurt. Two of the most famous nuclear accidents occurred at the Three Mile Island reactor 2 in the United States and the Chernobyl reactor 4 in the former Soviet Union. In this text we will discuss these two disasters, along with correcting a few common misconceptions about nuclear accidents.

The Myth of a Reactor Explosion:

It is impossible for any PWR or LWR nuclear reactor to explode like an atomic bomb. This is because in order for an uncontrolled chain reaction to occur that is similar to an atom bomb, the uranium fuel must be extremely enriched, much more than the 4% 235U that is present in regular, commercial nuclear reactor fuel. So, if it can't explode, what does happen in a nuclear reactor? The answer is what is called a meltdown. When a meltdown occurs in a reactor, the reactor "melts". That is, the temperature rises in the core so much that the fuel rods actually turn to liquid, like ice turns into water when heated. If the core continued to heat, the reactor would get so hot that the steel walls of the core would also melt. In a complete reactor meltdown, the extremely hot (about 2700� Celsius) molten uranium fuel rods would melt through the bottom of the reactor and actually sink about 50 feet into the earth beneath the power plant. The molten uranium would react with groundwater, producing large explosions of radioactive steam and debris that would affect nearby towns and population centers.In general a nuclear meltdown would occur if the reactor loses its coolant. This is what occurred in the two disasters that we will discuss. Without coolant, the core's temperature would rise, resulting in the meltdown scenario we explained above.

You may be wondering, "Why can't they just drop the control rods in the reactor if it starts to get out of control?". The answer is that they can. The problem is that, even if the control rods are completely dropped in and the nuclear chain reaction stops, the reactor is still extremely hot and will not cool down unless coolant is put back in. The residual heat and the heat produced from the decay of the fission products are enough to drive the core's temperature up even if the nuclear chain reaction stops.

Three Mile Island:

Outside View of the Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant
Picture of Steam Towers on the Outside
of the Three Mile Island Plant
Photo Courtesy Nuclear Regulatory Commission

On an island 10 miles from Harrisburg Pennsylvania resides the Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Station. There are two reactors at the plant, dubbed Unit 1 and Unit 2. One of them is inoperable. Unit 2 experienced a partial reactor meltdown on March 28, 1979. A partial nuclear meltdown is when the uranium fuel rods start to liquefy, but they do not fall through the reactor floor and breach the containment systems. The accident which occurred at Unit 2 is considered to be the worst nuclear disaster in US history. Why did it happen? There are many reasons for the accident, but the two main ones are simple human error and the failure of a rather minor valve in the reactor. In the following paragraphs, we will explain how it was possible for the accident to happen and both its psychological and physical effects on the American people.The accident at TMI (Three Mile Island) began at about four in the morning with the failure of one of the valves that controlled coolant flow into the reactor. Because of this, the amount of cool water entering the reactor decreased, and the core temperature rose. When this happened, automatic computerized systems engaged, and the reactor was automatically SCRAMmed. The nuclear chain reaction then stopped. This only slowed the rate at which the core temperature was increasing, however. The temperature was still rising because of residual heat in the reactor and energy released from the decaying fission products in the fuel rods.

Because the pumps removing water from the core were still active, and a valve that controlled the cool water entering the core failed, water was leaving the core, but not coming in. This reduced the amount of coolant in the core. There wasn't enough coolant in the core, so the Emergency Core Cooling System automatically turned on. This should have provided enough extra coolant to make up for the stuck valve, except that the reactor operator, thinking that enough coolant was already in the core, shut it off too early.

There still wasn't enough coolant, so the core's temperature kept increasing. A valve at the top of the core automatically opened to vent some of the steam in the core. This should have helped matters by removing the hot steam, but the valve didn't close properly. Because it didn't close, steam continued to vent from the reactor, further reducing the coolant level. The reactor operators should have known the valve didn't close, but the indicator in the control room was covered by a maintenance tag attached to a nearby switch. Because the operators didn't know that the valve had failed to close, they assumed that the situation was under control, as the core temperature had stopped rising with the first venting of steam from the core. They also thought that the coolant had been replaced in the core, because they didn't know that the pump outlets were closed. A few minutes later the core temperature began to rise again, and the Emergency Core Cooling System automatically switched on. Once again, an operator de-activated it, thinking the situation was under control. In reality, it was not.

Soon, because of the coolant lost through the open valve at the top of the reactor, the core temperature began to rise again. At this point the fuel rods started to collapse from the intense heat inside the core. The operators knew something was wrong, but didn't understand what it was. This was about 5 minutes after the initial valve failure. It took almost 2 hours for someone to figure out that the valve releasing steam at the top of reactor hadn't closed properly. During those 2 hours, precious coolant continued to be released from the reactor a meltdown was underway. At approximately 6AM, an operator discovered the valve at the top of the core was open and closed it.

During the day hydrogen gas began to accumulate inside the reactor and caused an explosion later in the afternoon. This explosion did not damage the containment systems, however. Two days later, the core was still not under operator control. A group of nuclear experts were asked to help evaluate the situation. They figured out that a lot of hydrogen gas had accumulated at the top of the core. This gas could have exploded, like the explosion on the first day of the accident, or it could have displaced the remaining coolant in the reactor, causing a complete nuclear reactor meltdown. No one really knew what to do about the hydrogen build-up. A hydrogen recombiner was used to remove some of the hydrogen, but it was not very effective. However, hydrogen also dissolves in water, which is what the coolant was composed of. Thus, over time the hydrogen that had collected at the top of the core completely dissolved in the coolant. Two weeks later the reactor was brought to a cold shutdown and the accident was over.No one was directly injured as a result of the accident. However, some radioactive gas and water were vented to the environment around the reactor. At one point, radioactive water was released into the Susquehanna river, which is a source of drinking water for nearby communities. No one is really sure what effects these radioactive releases might have had on people living near the power plant.


About 80 miles (130 km) north of Kiev, in what is now the Ukraine, is located the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. At this plant the worst reactor disaster to ever occur took place on April 26, 1986. It happened largely because normal reactor operations were suspended; an experiment was to take place in the reactor. As a result, normal safety guidelines were disregarded, and the accident occurred. However, as with most accidents of this type, it was a result of many small mistakes adding up to create a catastrophe. In the following paragraphs, we will outline just how the event transpired:Early in the day, before the test, the power output of the reactor was dropped in preparation for the upcoming test. Unexpectedly, the reactor's power output dropped way too much, almost to zero. Because of this drop, some control rods were removed to bring the power back up. (As you recall from the fission power text, the more control rods there are in a reactor, the more free neutrons are absorbed and the less fissioning that goes on. So, more control rods means less energy and power output.) The reactor's power output raised up, and all appeared to be normal.

More preparation for the test began later when two pumps were switched on in the cooling system. They increased water flow out of the reactor, and thus removed heat more quickly. They also caused the water level to lower in a component of the reactor called the steam separator. Because of the low level of water in the steam separator, the operator increased the amount of feed water coming into it, in the hopes that the water level would rise. Also, more control rods were taken out of the reactor to raise internal reactor temperature and pressure, also in the hopes that it would cause the water level in the steam separator to rise. The water level in the steam separator began to rise, so the operator adjusted again the flow of feed water by lowering it. This decreased the amount of heat being removed from the reactor core.

Because many control rods had been removed and the amount of heat being taken from the core by the coolant had been reduced, it began to get very hot. Also, there was relatively low pressure in the core because the amount of incoming water had been decreased. Because of the heat and the low pressure, coolant inside the core began to boil to form steam.

The actual test began with the closing of the turbine feed valves. This should have caused an increase in pressure in the cooling system, which in turn would have caused a decrease in steam in the core. This should have lowered the reactivity in the core. Thus, the normal next step when closing the turbine feed valves was to retract more control rods, increasing reactivity in the core. This is what the operator at Chernobyl did. The only problem was that in this case there was no increase in pressure in the cooling system because of the earlier feed water reduction. This meant that there was already a normal amount of steam in the core, even with the turbine feed valves closed. Thus, by retracting more control rods to make up for a reduction in steam that didn't happen, the operator caused too much steam to be produced in the core.

With the surplus of steam, the reactor's power output increased. Soon, even more steam was being produced. The operator realized there was a problem and SCRAMmed the reactor, completely disabling all fission reactions. However, it was too late. The temperature and pressure inside the reactor had already risen dramatically, and the fuel rods had begun to shatter.

After the fuel rods shattered, two explosions occurred as a result of liquid uranium reacting with steam and from fuel vapor expansion (caused by the intense heat). The reactor containment was broken, and the top of the reactor lifted off. With the containment broken, outside air began to enter the reactor. In this particular Soviet reactor, graphite was used as a moderator instead of water. (water was the coolant) As air entered the core, it reacted with the graphite. Graphite is essentially just carbon, so oxygen from the air chemically combined with the carbon to form CO (carbon monoxide). Carbon monoxide is flammable and soon caught fire. The fire emitted extremely radioactive smoke into the area surrounding the reactor. Additionally, the explosion ejected a portion of the reactor fuel into the surrounding atmosphere and countryside. This fuel contained both fission products and transuranic wastes.

During the days following the accident, hundreds of people worked to quell the reactor fire and the escape of radioactive materials. Liquid nitrogen was pumped into the reactor core to cool it down. Helicopters dumped neutron-absorbing materials into the exposed core to prevent it from going critical. Sand and other fire-fighting materials were also dropped into the core to help stop the graphite fire. All in all, over 5000(metric) tons of material were dropped into the core. After the fires were brought under control, construction of what is called "the sarcophagus" began. The word "sarcophagus" is usually used to describe the elaborate coffins the ancient Egyptians used to entomb their dead. In this case, the sarcophagus is a structure erected from about 300,000 metric tons of concrete that surrounds the reactor. It was designed to contain the radioactive waste inside. It has served its purpose well, but, now, ten years after the accident, several flaws have been found in it. Holes have begun to appear in the roof, allowing rainwater to accumulate inside. This water can corrode the structure, further weakening it. Also, birds and other animals have been seen making homes in the sarcophagus. If they should ingest radioactive material, they could spread it around the countryside. Additionally, with time the sarcophagus has become worn down. It is conceivable that an intense event like an earthquake, tornado, or plane crash directly on the sarcophagus could lead to its collapse. This would be catastrophic, as radioactive dust would once again rain down on the surrounding areas. Scientists and engineers are working on ways to repair or replace the structure.

One of the great tragedies of the accident was that the Soviet government tried to cover it up. Clouds of fallout were traveling towards major population centers such as Minsk, and no one was warned. No one outside the Soviet Union knew about the accident until two days later, when scientists in Sweden detected massive amount of radiation being blown from the east.

The effects of the disaster at Chernobyl were very widespread. The World Health Organization (WHO) found that the radiation release from the Chernobyl accident was 200 times that of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombs combined. The fallout was also far-reaching. For a time, radiation levels in a Scotland were 10,000 times the norm. 30 lives were directly lost during the accident or within a few months after it. Many of these lives were those of the workers trying to put out the graphite fire and were lost from radiation poisoning. The radiation released has also had long-term effects on the cancer incidence rate of the surrounding population. According to the Ukrainian Radiological Institute over 2500 deaths resulted from the Chernobyl incident. The WHO has found a significant increase in cancer in the surrounding area. For example, in 1986 (the year of the accident), 2 cases of childhood thyroid cancer occurred in the Gomel administrative district of the Ukraine (this is the region around the plant). In 1993 there were 42 cases, which is 21 times the rate in 1986. The rate of thyroid cancer is particularly high after the Chernobyl accident because much of the radiation was emitted in the form iodine-131, which collects in the thyroid gland, especially in young children. Other cancer incidence rates didn't seem to be affected. For example, leukemia was no more prevalent after the accident than before.What caused the accident? This is a very hard question to answer. The obvious one is operator error. The operator was not very familiar with the reactor and hadn't been trained enough. Additionally, when the accident occurred, normal safety rules were not being followed because they were running a test. For example, regulations required that at least 15 control rods always remain in the reactor. When the explosion occurred, less than 10 were present. This happened because many of the rods were removed to raise power output. This was one of the direct causes of the accident. Also, the reactor itself was not designed well and was prone to abrupt and massive power surges.


Methods used in reclamation of wastelands

Land is a precious resource, since it is put to diverse use by man. India with a land area 32, 88000 km- which is about 2.4% of the world supports 15% of the world's population. The precipitate land resource available now in India is less than 0.4 hectares, in comparison to more than 0.9 hector in China.

About 44% of our land is used for agriculture, 23% is covered with forests, and 4% is used pastures and grazing fields, 8% for housing, agro forestry, industrial areas, and roads arid so on. The 14% is barren and about 8% is used for miscellaneous purposes. The rapid increase of urbanisation migration of population to towns and cities has created many problems. All this has led to the utilization of agricultural land for housing construction, industries etc.

The rational use of land resource is possible by adopting and integrated land-use policy which involves prevention of land misuse and reclamation of degraded and under-utilised land, wastelands fallows, etc. Reclamation of abandoned mines and brick kilns may yield some much required land. Few agricultural lands should not be sacrificed for non-agricultural purposes, such as road building, development of industries or construction of water reservoirs.

Urban areas should not be developed on agriculture lands. Waste lands arc lands which are unproductive, unfit for cultivation grazing and other economic uses due to rough terrain and eroded soils. The lands which are water-logged and saline are also term as waste lands.

The geomorphic processes become active in the absence of land management practices. As these processes erode and transport soil layers making those lands infertile, stony and useless.

The deforestation leads to soil erosion and the eroded soils exhibit droughty tendency. Further, falling trees aggravate the lowering of water table and dry conditions. The loss of fertility followed erosion also leads to the transformation of marginal forest lands into wastelands.

Waste lands are broadly categorized under two groups: barren and uncultivable waste land cultivable wasteland. The first category includes lands which cannot be brought under cultivation economic use except at a very high cost whether they exist as isolated pockets or within cultivar holdings. They are mostly lands such as hilly slopes, rocky exposures, stony or leached or gully land sandy deserts.

The second category lands are cultivable but not cultivated for more than five years. It comprise lands available for cultivation, but not taken up for cultivation. Next to 'fallow' lands, cultivable w lands are important for agricultural purposes because they can be reclaimed through conservation practices for cultivation or grazing or agro-forestry.

Reclamation: Some of the measures used to reclaim these waste lands are the following:
(i) These lands can be brought under cultivation by using abundant water and fertilizers.
(ii) Afforestation and agronomical practices are adopted to conserve the soil. So that they can be for agriculture
(iii) Contour bunds are constructed affording safe disposal of water of the catchment areas.
These lands are also used for settlement of landless agricultural workers.

Wasteland Reclamation


           For the policy makers, agriculture scientists and the people who follow development sector the term wasteland is not a new term at all. What precisely are wastelands? Bhumbla & Khare (1984) have defined them as “those lands (a) which are eco logically unstable , (b) Whose top soil has been nearly completely lost, and (c) which have developed toxicity in root zones for growth of most plants, both annual crop and trees.” The National Wasteland Development Board (NWDB) has defined wasteland as “degraded land which can be brought under vegetative cover with reasonable effort and which is currently under utilized and land which is deteriorating for lack of appropriate water and soil management or on account of natural causes”. In a sense the two definition of wasteland complement each other and describe most of its features.
Just we have studied that wasteland is degraded land .The four main reasons of land degradation are (a) over cultivation (b) deforestation (c) overgrazing and (d) improper irrigation. Let us discuss in some details.
a)                  Over cultivation- The proportion of landless and marginal farmers in India is high. Because of scarcity of land, farming of ecologically vulnerable areas is taken up resulting in erosion and associated land degradation problems.
b)                  Deforestation – Tree are among the most effective preservers of land; however, at present, trees are being cut for various reasons. Let us briefly discuss those.
Fuel wood: Deforestation for fire wood is estimated at around 5000 hectares annually; the actual figure in fact, could be much higher. In most part of the country there is no cheaper alternative of fire wood. Relative costs of fire wood and its substitute have not been worked out for all the regions, for the simple reason that fire wood is free, just collected from the forests, orchards, canal side plantations or trees along roads and railways. According to planning commission if all the current and projected planting plans are implemented it can only produce about 49 million ton against the requirement of 133 million tons.
Shifting cultivation: It is a traditional practice locally known as jhum in north eastern region, podu in Orissa and dhya in MP. Due to increase in population and land shortages have resulted in a shortening of the forest fallow period. The jhum cycle, which was 30 to 40 years a few decades back, varies at present between 1 to 17 years. The result is poor crop yields necessitating the shifting cultivators to go in for fresh clearing of forests causing extensive land degradation.
Commercial timber exploitation: Timber exploitation to meet the ever increasing need of industries and urban areas has been a major cause of extensive deforestation. It is the commercial demand not the local people who cause large scale forest destruction.
  Clearing for permanent non forestry purpose: Activities such as cultivation, human settlement, setting up of industries etc. often bares the soil to ravages of rain and wind, with all the subsequent dangers of flooding, silting and drought when rainfall is markedly seasonal, especially if inappropriate methods of farming are used on erosion sensitive soils.
c)     Over grazing- Over grazing is as destructive as deforestation but its effects are not immediately noticeable. According to an FAO estimate, one buffalo eats seven tones of leaves (by fresh weight) per year, and a cow two and a half tones –all these leafy material coming from forests adjoining the villages. Thus uncontrolled grazing has contributed to destruction of forests and grasslands thereby exposing the soil to wind and water erosion and consequent land degradation.
d)     Improper Irrigation- The farmer is totally oblivious of the cost that improper irrigation, viz, over use of water and non provision of adequate drainage, imposes on others. In most cases , especially in large plains, the water table, and capillary arising from the higher ground water level increases accumulation of salts both in ground water and the soil near the surface thus subsequently lowering soil productivity, and in extreme cases, making it unfit for crop production.

The National wasteland development Board (NWDB) of the ministry of Environment and forests, in addition to requesting the state governments to conduct detailed surveys and document all categories of land suffering from physical and other deficiencies or under sub optimal use, prepared maps of wastelands in respect of 146 districts in 19 states with the help of National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA) and Survey of India. Wastelands in the following 13 categories were identified and mapped:

1. Gullies and/or ravines     2. Upland with or without scrub    3. Waterlogged and marshy land    4. Land affected by salinity /alkalinity in coastal and inland areas     5. Land under shifting cultivation    6. Under utilized / degraded notified forest land    7. Degraded pasture / grazing land   8. Degraded land under plantation crops   9. Shifting sands- inland /coastal     10. Mining / industrial wastelands    11. Barren rocky / stony waste/ sheet rock areas    12.   Steep sloping area   13.  Snow covered and/ or glacial area.

The maps show specific types of wastelands with their extent and location in a village and thus provide a database for area based project planning for wasteland development. Public lands can be divided into 2 sub categories. Some are owned by a Department or agency of the GOVT. e.g. Railways, Canals, Public works, Education etc. The second category is the common property resources (CPR) such as village common land, gram sabha land, gochur lands etc.
The GOVT. of India in the early 1970s urged the states to set up state land use board (SLUB) under the chairmanship of the chief minister for providing policy directions and for coordinating activities of the Department concerned with soil and land resources. In 1983, a two tier body, viz. National Land Resources Conservation and Development Commission (NLRCDC) and the National Land Board (NLB) were set up. In 1983 NLB as reconstituted as National Land Use and Wastelands Development council (NLWC) with prime minister as chairman. It emphasized the twin objectives of proper land use and development of watersheds. Under NLWC two separate bodies were created in 1985. These are:
1.      The National Land Use and conservation Board (NLCB) in place of NLRCDC.The deputy chairman Planning commission is the chairman of the Board. Its members include secretaries of Department concerned of the central GOVT. and representatives from five states selected on rotational basis.
2.      The National wasteland Development Board (NWDB) with the minister of Environment and forest as chairman. The principal aim of the NWDB was to bring about a qualitative change in the programme of reclamation of wastelands in the country through a massive programme of afforestation with the participation of the people.
In October 1989 the NWDB upgraded to the level of technology mission.
                           The country has paid a heavy price for its neglect of land use policies, especially those relating to the uncultivated land. Land policy is fairly well defined for private agricultural lands but it is not true for uncultivated lands- forest land, grazing lands, barren and unculturable lands which are fast becoming depleted lands. The basic issue is to ensure optimal management of land. The National Land Use policy enunciated by the Govt. of India in 1983 emphasizes the following action points directly relevant to wasteland improvement:
The problem of wasteland must be tackled on an emergency basis. Programmes must be drawn up for providing vegetative cover to 40 million hectares of degraded forests.
A massive campaign for increasing the land under productive use for fuel and fodder species needs to be launched.
Voluntary effort should be generally preferred in supporting these objectives. Efforts by farmers’ cooperatives and voluntary organizations should be fully recognized and assisted.
 Mining of land for house building material such as bricks can be reduced by developing alternative building materials.

Till the sixth five year plan, no specific programme of wasteland development was taken up. It is only in1985 with establishment of NWDB that the problem of wasteland development received a new thrust. With the setting up of NWDB, a number of new schemes were initiated to secure people‘s participation, besides continuation of ongoing afforestation schemes. These are:
Grants-in-aid to voluntary agencies                   * Ariel seeding programme
Decentralized People’s nurseries.               *Plantation of minor forest produce
Silvipasture farms                                               * Margin money schemes
Seed development                                               * Rural employment scheme
Area oriented fuel wood and fodder projects
The review of different schemes shows that it is only in the 7th five year plan with setting up of NWDB that a wasteland development programme was formulated by adding to the existing afforestation schemes. The strategy of wasteland development however remained one-dimensional, with focus on tree planting activities only instead of adopting an integrated approach. Till the end of March, 2004, a total of 148 projects have been sanctioned under the Scheme at an outlay of Rs.143.23 Crores. Out of which, 63projects have been completed/foreclosed. Important activities undertaken under the Scheme include development of database on wastelands, promotion and testing of various agro-forestry models in different agro-climatic zones of the country, testing the cost-effective technologies for increasing the productivity of saline and alkaline soils, promotion of medicinal and herbal plantation on non-forest wastelands, composite technologies for water-harvesting, treatment of degraded lands through bio-fertilisersviz. Vermiculture, mycorrhiza, bio-pesticides, footstock model techniques and development of technology for Jojoba plantation in arid and semi arid areas through Israeli collaboration. Technical Brochures for development of different categories of problem lands have been brought out. The wasteland development action programme has performed rather unsatisfactorily with reference to the target of 5 mha a year. It lacked addressing ecological crises and people’s participation.
IWDP (Integrated wasteland development Project) Scheme-This scheme is under implementation since 1989-90, and has come to this Department along with the National Wastelands Development Board. The development of non-forest wastelands is taken up under this Scheme. The scheme provides for the development of an entire micro watershed in an holistic manner rather than piecemeal treatment in sporadic patches.. The thrust of the scheme continues to be on development of wastelands.
Objectives: The basic objective of this scheme is an integrated wastelands development based on village/micro watershed plans. These plans are prepared after taking into consideration the land capability, site condition and local needs of the people. The scheme also aims at rural employment besides enhancing the contents of people's participation in the wastelands development programmes at all stages, which is ensured by providing modalities for equitable and sustainable sharing of benefits and usufructs arising from such projects.
Activities: The major activities taken up under the scheme are:
·         In situ soil and moisture conservation measures like terracing, bunding, trenching, vegetative barriers and drainage line       treatment.
·         Planting and sowing of multi-purpose trees, shrubs, grasses, legumes and pasture land development.
·         Encouraging natural regeneration.
·         Promotion of agro-forestry & horticulture.
·         Wood substitution and fuel wood conservation measures.
·         Awareness raising, training & extension.
·         Encouraging people's participation through community organization and capacity building.
·         Drainage Line treatment by vegetative and engineering structures
·         Development of small water Harvesting Structures.
·         Afforestation of degraded forest and non forest wasteland.
·         Development and conservation of common Property Resources.
The regions under considerations are as follows in India:

(in sq.Kms.)
Water logged & Marshy
Steep sloping area
Mining/Industrial Wastelands
Degraded/pastures/grazing land
Degraded land under plantation crop
                                      Grand Total: 638518.31 sq.kms

Success story: A major success story of wasteland development is the Sivganga district of Tamilnadu. Where extensive jatropha plantation has been carried out on wasteland which is very much required for biofertilizer and it is beneficial also. Due to integrated development approach the fate of the people as well the optimum use of land resources has been done. The success story can be seen on the district website.
Keeping in view the lesson learnt the following suggestions need to be considered while revising strategy...
Govt. departments must view afforestation as a definite support to agriculture, e.g. shelterbelts, agro forestry, mixed plantation etc.
People’s involvement can be mobilized by understanding the community structure and their needs.
Sufficient funds should be earmarked and made available to finance projects aimed at integrated rural resource management which are multi disciplinary in nature at every stages.
Banks like NABARD should establish a separate line of credit for afforestation projects.
Suitable action plan should be taken up for integrated development of wastelands for ecological restoration and to meet essential needs of fuel wood, fodder and timber for local community.
The lab to land programme should seek to extensively popularize transfer of available technologies.
Sufficient advance planning should be done for raising nursery stock of the required species and quality to avoid planting of poor quality seedling stock and consequent failure of plantation.
All development projects e.g. mining, road, irrigation and power etc. which by their very nature either create wastelands or degraded local environment should earmark a budget provision in the project estimates for reclaiming such wastelands or regenerating natural vegetation so damaged.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Information Technology in Environmental Management

Information technology has tremendous potential in the field of environmental educational and health as in any other field like business, economics, politics or culture.

Development of Internet facilities, worldwide web, geographical information system (GIS) and information through satellites has generated a wealth of up-to-date information on various aspects of environment and health. A number of software have been developed for environment and health studies, which are user friendly.
Database is the collection of inter-related data on various subjects. It Ls usually in computerized form and can be retrieved whenever required. In the computer the information of database is arranged in a systematic manner that is easily manageable and can be very quickly retrieved.

The Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India has taken up the task of compiling a database on various biotic communities. The comprehensive database includes wildlife database, conservation database, forest cover database etc. Database is also available for diseases like HIV/AIDs, Malaria, and Fluorosis etc.

National Management Information System (NM1S) of the Department of Science and technology has compiled a database on Research and Development Projects along with information about research scientists and personnel involved.

Environmental Information System (ENVIS):
The Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India has created an information System called Environmental Information System (ENVIS). With its headquarters in Delhi, it functions in 25 different centers all over the country.

The ENVIS centers work for generating a network of database in areas like pollution control, clean technologies, remote sensing, coastal ecology, biodiversity, western Ghats and eastern environmental management, media related to environment, renewable energy, desertification, mangroves, wildlife, Himalayan ecology, mining etc.

The National Institute of Occupational Health provides computerized information on occupational health i.e., the health aspects of people working in various hazardous and non-hazardous industries, safety measures etc.

Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System (GIS): Satellite imageries provide us actual information about various physical and biological resources and also to some extent about their state of degradation in a digital form through remote sensing.

We are able to gather digital information on environmental aspects Eke water logging, desertification, deforestation, urban sprawl, river and canal network, mineral and energy reserves and so on. Geographical Information System (GI3) has proved to be a very effective tool in environmental management.

GIS is a technique of superimposing various thematic maps using digital data on a large number of inter-related or inter-dependent aspects several useful software's have been developed for working in the field of GIS. Different thematic maps containing digital information on a number of aspects like water resources, industrial growth, human settlements, road network, soil type, forest land, crop land or grass land etc. are superimposed in a layered form in computer using software. Such information is very useful for future land vise planning.

Even interpretations of polluted zones, degraded lands or diseased cropland can be made on GIS. Planning for locating suitable areas for industrial growth is now being done using GIS by preparing Zoning Atlas.
GIS serves to check unplanned growth and related environmental problems. Our satellite data also helps in providing correct, reliable and verifiable information about forest cover, success of conservation efforts etc.
They also provide information of atmospheric phenomena like approach of monsoon, ozone layer depletion, inversion phenomena, smog etc. We are able to discover many new reserves of oils, minerals etc. with the help of information generated by remote sensing satellites. Thus remote sensing and GIS play a key role in resource mapping, environmental conservation, management, and planning and environmental impact assessment.

It also helps in identifying several disease-infected areas, which are, prone to some vector-borne diseases like malaria, schistosomiasis etc. based upon mapping of such areas.
The World Wide Web with resources material on every aspect, class-room activities, digital files of photos, power- point lecture presentations, animations, web-exercises and quiz has proved to be extremely useful both for the students and the teachers of environmental studies.

The role of online learning centre website has the following features:
(a) Student-friendly features:
These include practice quiz, how to study tips, hyperlinks on every chapter topics with detailed information, web exercises, case studies, environmental maps, key- terms, career information, current articles, and interactive encyclopedia and how to contact your elected officials.
(b) Teacher-friendly features:
These include in addition to above supplement resources charts, additional case studies, answers to web exercises, solutions to critical thinking, questions, editing facility to add or delete questions and create multiple version of same test etc.
Information technology is expanding rapidly with increasing applications and new avenues are being opened with effective role in education, management and planning in the field of environment and health.

Pollution Control Boards

Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) of India is a statutory organisation under the Ministry of Environment and Forests. It was established in 1974 under Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974. CPCB is also entrusted with the powers and functions under the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981. It serves as a field formation and also provides technical services to the Ministry of Environment and Forests of the provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.
CPCB, as spelt out in the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, and the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, aims to promote cleanliness of streams and wells in different areas of the States by prevention, control and abatement of water pollution, and to improve the quality of air and to prevent, control or abate air pollution in the country. Air Quality Monitoring is an important part of the air quality management. The National Air Monitoring Programme (NAMP) has been established with objectives to determine the present air quality status and trends and to control and regulate pollution from industries and other source to meet the air quality standards. It also provides background air quality data needed for industrial siting and towns planning. Besides this, CPCB has an automatic monitoring station at ITO Intersection in New Delhi. At this station Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter (RSPM), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Ozone (O3), Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) are being monitored regularly. This information on Air Quality at ITO is updated every week.
Fresh water is a finite resource essential for use in agriculture, industry, propagation of wildlife & fisheries and for human existence. India is a riverine country. It has 14 major rivers, 44 medium rivers and 55 minor rivers besides numerous lakes, ponds and wells which are used as primary source of drinking water even without treatment. Most of the rivers being fed by monsoon rains, which is limited to only three months of the year, run dry throughout the rest of the year often carrying wastewater discharges from industries or cities or towns endangering the quality of our scarce water resources. The parliament of India in its wisdom enacted the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 with a view to maintaining and restoring wholesomeness of our water bodies. One of the mandates of CPCB is to collect, collate and disseminate technical and statistical data relating to water pollution. Hence, Water Quality Monitoring (WQM) and Surveillance are of utmost importance.

State Pollution Control Boards
West Bengal Pollution Control Board (WBPCB) is a statutory authority entrusted to implement environmental laws and rules within the jurisdiction of the state of West Bengal, India. WBPCB was constituted immediately after the enactment of the first major environmental legislation of the country, the Water (Prevention and Control of Water Pollution) Act, 1974. During its twenty-eight years of life, the Board tried its best to ensure proper implementation of the statutes, judicial and legislative pronouncements and to fulfill the needs of the people. Initially set up to implement the provisions of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, subsequently, WBPCB was given the responsibility of implementing a series of other environmental Acts and Rules. At present, the Board implements the provisions of following environmental Acts and Rules within West Bengal:
·         Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and Rules made there under
·         Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 and Rules made there under
·         Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977 and Rules made there under
·         Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 and Rules made there under.
·         Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and Rules made there under
o    Manufacture, Storage and import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989
o    Hazardous Wastes (Management & Handling) Rules, 1989, as amended
o    Bio-medical Wastes (Management & Handling) Rules, 1998, as amended
o    Plastic Wastes (Management & Handling) Rules, 2011
o    The Noise Pollution (Regulation & Control) Rules, 2000
o    Municipal Solid Wastes (Management & Handling) Rules, 2000
o    Ozone Depleting Substances (Regulation & Control) Rules, 2000
o    Batteries (Management & Handling) Rules, 2001.

Local Bodies
Industrial Pollution Control
Categorisation of industries: Depending upon the pollution potential of different industries, the West Bengal Pollution Control Board (WBPCB) has classified the industrial units into three different categories: 'Red', 'Orange' and 'Green'. The Red category units have maximum pollution potential, the Orange category units have moderate pollution potential and the Green units have the least pollution potential. Further, considering the degree of pollution among the Red units, these are classified into 'Special Red' and 'Ordinary Red' categories. 

Industrial Siting Policy: In combating industrial pollution, the transparent industrial siting policy of the Board is in place. Under this policy, the red industries are not permitted in KMA areas, and orange industries are not permitted in KMC and HMC areas, except the industrial estates of KMC and HMC. This policy does not permit a few water-intensive and highly polluting industrial units having high water consumption within 10-km radius of the Calcutta Leather Complex at Bantala. A total of 334 grossly polluted industries were identified for regulatory compliance on an immediate basis. The WBPCB ensures that compliance is attained through negotiated agreements and technical guidance. While stricter emission standards were introduced for boilers, ceramic kilns, foundries and rolling mills in KMA, use of cleaner fuel was made mandatory for small boilers in KMC, rolling mills in Howrah and ceramic kilns in KMA.

Consent Administration: Under the provisions of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, any industry, operation or process or an extension and addition thereto, which is likely to discharge sewerage or trade effluent into the environment or likely to emit any air pollution into the atmosphere will have to obtain consent of the State Pollution Control Board. There are different types of consent issued under the provisions of Water (P&CP) Act 1974 and Air (P&CP) Act, 1981. 
·         Consent to Establish: All the industries and activities needing consent must obtain consent to establish before actual commencement of the works for establishing the industry/activity.
·         Consent to Operate: This consent needs to be taken before actual commencement of production. This consent is valid for certain duration.
·         Renewal of Consent to Operate: The consent to operate is renewed after certain period.

Promotional Role of the WBPCB: As part of its promotional role, consent administration for small-scale industries were simplified and decentralised through General Managers of District Industries Centre, District Land and Land Reforms Officers and Regional Officers of the Board. The WBPCB provides financial assistance for change of fuel in small boilers and ceramic kilns within the KMC area. The Board works in close association with various NGOs, academic institutions, Chambers of Commerce and Industry Associations. The establishment of West Bengal Cleaner Production Centre in collaboration with National Cleaner Production Centre and Indian Chamber of Commerce is a case in point.

Environmental Monitoring
The WBPCB monitors various parameters of air, water and noise. 

Ambient air quality monitoring: This is conducted at various monitoring stations in the state and near the polluting clusters of industries. Specific parameters like Oxides of Sulfur, Oxides of Nitrogen, Respirable Particulate Matter etc. Are monitored in the ambient air quality monitoring stations. Data of ambient air quality monitoring stations are presented at the web site of the Board.

Water quality monitoring: The WBPCB regularly monitors water quality of rivers, such as Hooghly, Damodar, Barakar and Rupnarayan by analysing the physico-chemical, bacteriological and biological parameters. Under the National Water Monitoring Programme (NWMP), the Board monitors the water quality of ninety seven (97) surface water bodies including ground water at areas with potential to have been impacted by industrial activity. The river water samples are collected every month from the surface water stations and every six monthly from ground water stations which are analyzed in six of the Board laboratories situated at Kolkata, Kankinada, Durgapur, Hooghly, Haldia and Dankuni. Details of the stations with frequencies are provided.

Noise Pollution Monitoring: The noise characteristics from various sources, especially the areas in and around hospitals and schools in Kolkata, and its impact on human health are studied. Noise monitoring is specially done during festive days. Five Automatic Ambient Noise Measurement stations have been installed in Kolkata at Salt Lake (Paribesh Bhavan), Central Kolkata (KMC Buildings), Kasba Induatrial Area, SSKM Hospital Premise and Baishnabghata-Patuli (Satyajit Roy Park).

Waste Management
Hazardous Waste Management: In its endeavour to manage hazardous waste, the WBPCB has identified the industrial units generating hazardous waste. The Board has established a Common Hazardous Waste Treatment Storage & Disposal Facility at Haldia. This facility is being set up jointly by the Haldia Development Authority (HDA) and M/s. Ramky Enviro Engineers Ltd., who have formed a joint venture company named M/s. West Bengal Waste Management Ltd. 

Solid Waste Management: Under the provisions of the Municipal Solid Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2000, the Department of Urban Development, Government of West Bengal and the District Magistrates of the concerned districts have the responsibility of the management of municipal solid waste in West Bengal. The WBPCB has impressed upon the municipalities and the district authorities to comply with the provisions of the Rules from time to time.

Biomedical Waste Management: The Board has developed a Common Bio-medical Waste Treatment Storage and Disposal Facility at Howrah. The facility, set up by M/s Medicare Incin Pvt. Ltd., is operating successfully. Segregated bio-medical wastes are being collected from Kolkata, Howrah and the adjoining areas. Other such common waste treatment and disposal facilties are being developed at Kalyani, Mangalpur (Raniganj). 

Inventory of Solid Waste

Recycled Plastic Waste Management
·         Under the provisions of 'Recycled Plastics Manufacture and Usage Rules, 1999', the WBPCB banned use, sale and manufacture of plastic carry bags of less than 20m thickness.
·         In exercise of the powers conferred under the Water and the Air Acts, WBPCB have imposed a blanket ban on plastic carry bags for the ecologically sensitive areas, i.e. hill areas, forest areas and coastal areas of the state.
·         The Board has banned the entry, use and sale of plastic carry bags in 39 heritage/tourist sites of the state.
·         The MoEF issued the 'Recycled Plastics Manufacture and Usage (Amendment) Rules, 2003' stating that no carry bags whose dimensions are less than 8 inches X 12 inches (20 X 30 cms) can be manufactured, stored, distributed or used.
·         The use of plastic carry bags, cups and containers less than four inches in height and 40 microns in thickness have been banned in most government buildings in West Bengal including Writers' Building, Kolkata.
·         The WBPCB banned the entry, use and sale of plastic carry bags within the campus of Viswa Bharati Viswa Vidyalaya, areas under Sriniketan-Santiniketan Development Authority and areas under Bolpur Municipality in Birbhum district of West Bengal
·         The WBPCB conducts consistent raids in the premises of plastic carry-bags' manufacturing units and wholesalers as well as the shops and establishments dispensing carry bags for carrying their merchandise.

Legal and Public Grievance Cell
In order to regulate pollution from different sources, the WBPCB legally deals with the non-complying units of the state. Various legal actions are taken against the polluting industries. Apart from imposing fines, bank guarantees are obtained from the pollution units, which are forfeited on compliance within the stipulated time period. In addition, the Board has constituted an Appellate Authority under the Water and the Air Acts.

In order to address and minimise public resentment against environmental problems in the state, the Public Grievance Cell of the Board is functioning since 1994. Public hearings are organised at Paribesh Bhaban, Salt Lake, the headoffice of the Board, where the aggrieved complainant and the industry/unit concerned are asked to appear before the hearing authority. After careful consideration of the representations from both the sides, necessary directions are issued.

Automobile Pollution Control
Various steps were taken for controlling automobile emissions in the state. In the year 2000, the Board pioneered in introducing EURO-I (India 2000) and EURO-II (Bharat Stage II) norms for the new fleet of vehicles, way before the same was done in the other states of our country. While India 2000 norms were introduced for all new vehicles on April 1st, Bharat Stage II norms were introduced for new passenger cars within KMA on December 31st. For all new vehicles with GVW3500kg and GVW>3500kg of KMA, stricter emission standards were introduced by the Board with effect from October 23, 2001. Supply of unleaded petrol (containing 0.013 per cent lead) and 0.25 per cent reduction of sulphur content in diesel was made available from February 1, 2000 throughout the state. Very low sulphur (0.05 per cent) petrol and diesel were made available in KMA from January 1, 2001. In the same year, while the use, sale and distribution of loose 2T oil for two-stroke petrol vehicles were banned in KMA on October 1st, dispensation of 2T oil-premixed petrol through dedicated dispenser was started with effect from November 15. In June 2000, benzene content in petrol was reduced to 3 per cent. As per the directions of the Supreme Court, the state government has submitted an action plan on automobile pollution control in September 2000. In association with the State Department of Transport, the Board has facilitated the setting up of computerised and upgraded Emission Testing Centres (AETCs) and Pollution-under-Check (PUC) centres in West Bengal.

Noise Pollution Monitoring and Control
The Board continued its endeavour for controlling noise in the state by banning the manufacture, sale and bursting of firecrackers generating noise level more than 90dB(AI) at 5m from the point of bursting. A sound delimiter, for controlling noise pollution from microphones, was also developed in association with Webel. The State Board directed that for use of Diesel Generator set(s) of capacity 15KVA and above for non-industrial purposes, i.e. residential buildings, commercial buildings, office complex, cinema halls, banks, educational institutions etc, should require 'Consent to Establish' and 'Consent to Operate' from the Board, with effect from January 1, 2002.

Training And Awareness Program
The Board continuously conducts various training programmes with people from different sections of the society like school children, police and transport authorities, district and municipal authorities. Short term programmes on environmental pollution, noise and automobile pollution are also organised from time to time.

Workshops and training camps are often organised for the NGOs, a total of 223 NGOs have been enlisted by the Board. Anti-noise pollution campaign and observation of World Environment Day are some of the regular events conducted by the Board. Movie fillers have been prepared on automobile horns on sound limiters. Apart from this, competitions on essay writing, painting, quiz, debate and drama are organised for the school children all on environment-related issues, with the elementary idea of spreading environmental awareness.

National Green Corps
The National Green Corps (NGC) programme introduced by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), Goverment of India is aimed at spreading environmental awareness among school children by involving them in various environment-related activities. Children constitute the most significant sector of our society. The foundation for developing responsible citizens begins in the school, since young children are at an ideal age to start learning about environmental issues. By participating in environmental activities under the NGC programme, the children would very easily acquire the basic knowledge, skills, values and passion that promote environmental responsibility.

The implementation and management of the NGC program are vested in a few committees besides the large number of school-level Eco-Clubs. The State Steering Committee is responsible to coordinate the implementation of the National Green Corps programme in the State. District Implementation and Monitoring Committee (DIMC) headed by the District Magistrate has the responsibilities to oversee the implementation of the programme at the district level (reconstitution of both the committees are under process). The West Bengal Pollution Control Board (WBPCB) is the State Nodal Agency for the implementation of this programme in our state. Given below are the number of schools under this program in 2011-12.

Pollution Control Boards and Local Bodies

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
Preparation of environmental management plan is required for formulation, implementation and monitoring of environmental protection measures during and after commissioning of projects.The plans should indicate the details as to how various measures have been or are proposed to be taken including cost components as may be required.Cost of measures for environmental safeguards should be treated as an integral component of the project cost and environmental aspects should be taken into account at various stages of the projects:
Conceptualization:preliminary environmental assessment
Planning:detailed studies of environmental impacts and design of safeguards
Execution:implementation of environmental safety measures
Operation:monitoring of effectiveness of built-in safeguards
The management plans should be necessarily based on considerations of resource conservation and pollution abatement,some of which are:
1.     Liquid Effluents
o    Effluents from the industrial plants should be treated well to the standards as prescribed by the Central/State Water Pollution Control Boards.
o    Soil permeability studies should be made prior to effluents being discharged into holding tanks or impoundments and steps taken to prevent percolation and ground water contamination.
o    Special precautions should be taken regarding flight patterns of birds in the area.Effluents containing toxic comppounds,oil and grease have been known to cause extensive death of migratory birds.Location of plants should be prohibited in such type of sensitive areas.
o    Deep well burial of toxic effluents should not be resorted to as it can result in re-surfacing and ground water contamination.Re-surfacing has been known to cause extensive damage to crop and livestocks.
o    In all cases,efforts should be made for re-use of water and its conservation.
2.     Air Pollution
o    The emission levels of pollutants from the different stacks,should conform to the pollutin control standards prescribed by Central or State Boards.
o    Adequate control equipment should be installed for minimising the emission of pollutants from the various stacks.
o    In-plant control measures should be taken to contain the fugitive emissions.
o    Infrastructural facilities should be provided for monitoring the stack emissions and measuring the ambient air quality including micro-meteorological data(wherever required) in the area.
o    Proper stack height as prescribed by the Central/State Pollution Control Boards should be provided for better dispersion of pollutants over a wider area to minimise the effect of pollution.
o    Community buildings and townships should be built up-wind of plant with one-half to one kilometer greenbelt in adition to physiographical barrier.
3.     Solid Wastes
o    The site for waste disposal should be checked to verify permeability so that no contamimants percolate into the ground water or river/lake.
o    Waste disposal areas should be planned down-wind of villages and townships.
o    Reactive materials should be disposed of by immobilising the reactive materials with suitable additives.
o    The pattern of filling disposal site should be planned to create better landscape and be approved by appropriate agency and the appropriately pretreated solid wastes should be disposed according to the approved plan.
o    Intensive programs of tree plantation on disposal areas should be undertaken.
4.     Noise and Vibration
Adequate measures should be taken for control of noise and vibrations in the industry.
5.     Occupational Safety and Health
Proper precautionary measures for adopting occupational safety and health standards should be taken.
6.     Prevention,maintenance and operation of Environment Control Systems
o    Adequate safety precautions should be taken during preventive maintenance and shut down of the control systems.
o    A system of inter-locking with the production equipment should be implemented where highly toxic compounds are involved.
7.     House - Keeping
Proper house-keeping and cleanliness should be maintained both inside and outside of the industry.
8.     Human Settlements
o    Residential colonies should be located away from the solid and liquid waste dumping areas.Meteorological and environmental conditions should be studied properly before selecting the site for residential areas in order to avoid air pollution problems.
o    Persons who are displaced or have lost agricultural lands as a result of locating the industries in the area,should be properly rehabilitated.
9.     Transport Systems
o    Proper parking places should be provided for the trucks and other vehicles by the industries to avoid any congestion or blocking of roads.
o    Siting of industries on the highways should be avoided as it may add to more road accidents because of substantial increase in the movements of heavy vehicles and unauthorised shops and settlements coming up around the industrial complex.
o    Spillage of chemicals/substances on roads inside the plant may lead to accidents.Proper road safety signs both inside and outside the plant should be displayed for avoiding road accidents.
10. Recovery - reuse of waste products
Efforts should be made to recycle or recover the waste materials to the extent possible.The treated liquid effluents can be conveniently and safely used for irrigation of lands,plants and fields for growing non-edible crops.
11. Vegetal Cover
Industries should plant trees and ensure vegetal cover in their premises.This is particularly advisable for those industries having more than 10 acres of land.
12. Disaster Planning
Proper disaster planning should be done to meet any emergency situation arising due to fire,explosion,sudden leakage of gas etc.Fire fighting equipment and other safety appliances should be kept ready for use during disaster/emergency situation including natural calamities like earthquake/flood.
13. Environment Management Cell
Each industry should identify within its setup a Department/Section/Cell with trained personnel to take up the model responsibility of environmental management as required for planning and implementation of the projects.